Online giving options are now available for donations to Nazarene Baptist Church through the online giving service “Tithe.ly” You may use a debit card or a credit card if you wish to donate via the Nazarene’s website.
As an alternative you may download the free Tithe.ly app onto your smart phone from your App Store. You will need to enter your email address and chose a password and PIN to set up an account in the Tithe.ly app.
When you set up your account profile choose “Nazarene Baptist Church of Nicetown Philadelphia.” Enter your church envelope number where it requests your member ID. You may then set up your donation. You will receive an email receipt for your donation and the church will be able to run a report of your giving history at year end.
If you choose to donate via debit or credit card please:
Go to Nazarenebc.org
Click the online tithing button
Click on the rectangular block that says “Click here to access online tithing widget”
An online giving form will appear
You will see a locked padlock or “https” in front of the URL indicating that the website is secured to protect your personal information
Unclick the recurring giving block if you want your gift to be only a onetime gift
If you would like to make a recurring gift select the frequency: weekly, every two weeks or monthly from the drop down menu
Enter your name, address and card information. Once you begin to enter your card number the software will fill in whether it is a VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, etc.
Enter your church envelop number in the field called “Member ID”
Review your info ensuring that it is correct and click the submit button
The church will receive your donation within 2-3 business days
You will receive an email receipt with a thank you message
Our thanks to Melissa Cunningham, our webmaster, for her diligence in setting this up on our website. Stay strong and happy in Jesus. If you have a need, call upon your appropriate church officer. Ministry continues! Yours in Christ, Kent J. Cooke Chairman of Trustees Nazarene Baptist Church