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Come Fellowship with Us!
Sunday School: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Morning Worship: 10:30 AM
Bible Study: 7:00 PM
Prayer Meeting: 8:00 PM
Our Pastor
Keith Marshall Williams, Sr.
“Greater love hath no man than this, than a man who
will lay down his life for his friends.”
John 15:13
For over 39 years, Keith Marshall Williams Sr. has embodied the very essence of this profound and sagacious scripture in serving as the under-shepherd of the historic Nazarene Baptist Church of Nicetown in Philadelphia, PA. Since his arrival, God has abundantly blessed Nazarene!
During his tenure, conversions, congregational sanctification, and community outreach endeavors have grown exponentially. He is universally recognized as a visionary, innovator, and organizer with superior and uncommon leadership qualities. A pastor's pastor, hosting a monthly Pastor Prayer Fellowship, his unique gifting transcends denominational, cultural, ethical, and generational boundaries. He is a nationally sought-after preacher, lecturer, and advisor.
In 1973 he graduated from Conestoga High School, Berwyn, PA. where he was a three-sport letterman and Class Vice-President. In 1974 he was saved and called and licensed to preach the gospel at St. Paul’s Baptist Church in West Chester, Pennsylvania.
In 1978 he received his BA degree, Augsburg University, Minneapolis, MN where he served as Religious Life Co-Commissioner, Vice-President-Education Association and Black Student Union, co-captain football team, and was honored on the All-American All-Lutheran College Football Team. While at Augsburg, he was also selected as a basketball missionary with Sports Ambassadors, which toured the Philippines, Hong Kong, Tokyo, and five countries in Africa.
In 1980 he was ordained to the gospel ministry by New Hope Baptist Church in Paoli, PA. He furthered his education and received his Masters of Divinity Degree from the Palmer Theological Seminary of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1981. During his matriculation at Eastern, he commenced his pastoral ministry at The Mt. Olive Baptist Church of Glassboro, NJ and by divine enablement also served as an adjunct chaplain and Bible expositor for the Philadelphia Phillies, Eagles, and 76ers.
In June of 1984, Pastor Williams was called as the sixth pastor of the historic Nazarene Baptist Church. His leadership has produced a spiritual explosion! A passionate pursuit of personal holiness and an undying love of people, combined with sound biblical preaching, teaching, and the discipleship of over 170 men personally, supporting over twenty-five missionaries have characterized his fruitful pastorate.
He led Nazarene in its Capital Stewardship Campaign, which raised $1.2 million towards the church building fund, for the completion of a $3.2 million church edifice in May of 1996 that was Tri-State Building of the Year! Also, he led the Church in the 2016 completion of Phase 2 of the Capital Expansion Ministry, which was the completion of an $800,000 Community Beautification/Parking Complex. In April of 2021 during the COVID pandemic, the Church liquidated by the grace of God, its two mortgages and now is debt-free!!! Future plans include the development of Nazarene’s 93-acre campground in Lahaska, PA into a multi-service Christian Camping and Retreat Center.
In November 2006-07, he served as President of the Baptist Convention Of PA/South Jersey. In 2015-16 he served as President of the National African American Fellowship. He was honored in 1992, "Clergy of the Year " by Church Musician Services and in 2015 he was awarded the Pastor’s Leadership Award by Campbellsville University in Kentucky. In 2019 he was given the "Hershel H Hobbs Award for Distinguished Service to the Denomination" given by Oklahoma Baptist University in Oklahoma. Remarkably, Pastor Williams still finds time to serve his community as he’s served as Vice-President of The Georgia E. Gregory Interdenominational School of Music and The Nazarene Community Development Corporation.
He is the Director of Community Outreach for the prestigious Germantown Academy of Fort Washington, Pennsylvania, and a founding Trustee of The Community Partnership School, in North Philadelphia. His love for the Lord Jesus Christ and the people of God has opened doors for him to preach in numerous Churches, Commencements, National/State Conventions, and Conferences throughout the country. His ministry accomplishments have been highlighted in several publications. 13 of his messages were included in The Preachers Sermon Sourcebook Volume 3.
He is married to the former Constance L. Jones, Riverton, NJ, a retired teacher, Germantown Academy, Fort Washington, PA. They are the proud parents of three children, Keith Marshall Jr. (Kia), grandsons Kyle and Kohen , Courtney Lynee ( granddaughter Laila) and Chierra Lindsay. He is the son of Doris E. Howard of Paoli, PA. He and his family were featured in the 2017 Emmy nominated documentary "Unchained: Healing from Generational Trauma" by Life Focus Communications in Chicago, Illinois - www.lifefocus.tv.

​To God Be the Glory!
K.Marshall Williams, Sr., Senior Pastor,
Nazarene Baptist Church of Nicetown
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania