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Bible-Centered Ministry
BCM International is a global Bible-Centered Ministry dedicated to making disciples of all age groups for the Lord Jesus Christ through evangelism, teaching and training so that churches are established and The Church strengthened.
The Georgia E. Gregory Interdenominational School Of Music
GEGISOM offers at-risk youth a safe and creative environment for cognitive, social and musical training in all music styles and the performing arts.
Lott Carey Foundation
The Lott Carey Global Christian Missional Community extends the Christian witness around the world. Though prayer partnership, financial support, and technical assistance, we come alongside indigenous communities to support ministries of evangelism, compassion, empowerment, and advocacy. Together, we are touching lives with transforming love.
KenCrest’s community-based services include Autism Services, In Home Services, Residential Living, Professional Training, Educational Services, Therapy Services, and Vocational Services. Since our founding in 1905, KenCrest has delivered all supports with firm commitment to our core values of caring spirit, innovation, reach, and outcomes.
Neighborhood Crusades
Through our Street Corner Preaching, School Assembly Programs, Relationship Enrichment Course, Basic Biblical Counseling and School of Evangelism and Missions, we seek to reach the unsaved with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, train people to become urban missionaries, help strengthen families and encourage troubled youth.
The Pennsylvania Baptist State Convention
The main objectives of the Convention which are Missions and Evangelism shall be implemented through the ministries of Christian Education, Church planning and Development, Human Rights Advocacy, Religious Freedom, Economic Empowerment, Higher Education and all other Christian endeavors deemed necessary in obedience to the mandate and message of Jesus Christ.
Manna Bible Inistitute
TO TEACH the student the value of a life of personal separation to God, the privilege and potential of the prayer life, and the necessity for proper motives in all of life and labor.TO IMPART to the student an abiding sense of the spiritual need of a lost world, and specifically to equip many to answer the challenge of inner city ministry with all its opportunities for evangelism and Christian education.
Pioneers USA
Pioneers mobilizes teams to glorify God among unreached peoples by initiating church-planting movements in partnership with local churches.
Prison Fellowship
Prison Fellowship believes that a restorative approach to prisoners, former prisoners, and all those affected by crime and incarceration can make communities safer and healthier. Our ministry is founded on the conviction that all people are created in God's image and that no life is beyond God's reach.
Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission
Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission, a non-profit organization, ministers in the name of Jesus Christ to the physical and spiritual needs of homeless and disadvantaged people in the Philadelphia area.
Teen Challenge Philadelphia
Teen Challenge Philadelphia is a faith-based, adult, long-term, residential rehabilitationprogram for men and women struggling with chemical addiction.
Whosoever Gospel Ministry
The Whosoever Gospel Mission is a Christian nonprofit organization whose purpose is to provide shelter, food, clothing, education, counseling, rehabilitation and other assistance to homeless and/or needy men, women and children in the Philadelphia Metropolitan Area.
WEC International
Why does WEC exist? Because 1.7 billion people are unreached, going to hell with no opportunity to learn about Jesus. Someone needs to go to them. WEC is going. We invite you to join us.
Wycliffe Bible Translators
For more than 70 years, Wycliffe has helped people around the world translate the Bible into their own languages. We also help with language development, literacy and other spiritual and physical needs.